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Showing posts from July, 2013

On my way

I am thrilled to say I have secured a publishing company, and even though there is a ton of work to gather and do, Saving Toby is that much closer to seeing print! I had to rework my synopsis down a bit, to fit 250 words. This is what I came up with. Feel free to let me know your thoughts! Back Cover Hook with synopsis: Loving someone through their hard fall from grace takes a lot of grit. In school, Toby Faye was a moody kid who sat in the back of class and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. Claudia Chiametti, the perfect student, always sat in the front row.  She might have forgotten him if it weren't for the fact that his family had been involved in two tragic events. In the small town of Sayville, Long Island, many knew of the family’s dark history. Hired on as a caretaker to Mrs. Faye, Claudia is thrown into the lives of the widow and her son — a world where sadness lingers and old wounds run deep. Now twenty-one, Toby is not so quiet. ...


Where's the story at? The final proofreading of "Saving Toby" is finished. I am working on small adjustments where the proofer made notes. I got my first written review: "Saving Toby is a great debut novel from Suzanne McKenna Link. This modern day romance tells the story of Toby and Claudia and how they endure the  ups and downs of a relationship. I laughed, cried, and rejoiced, never wanting to put this book down!" Michele L. Mathews ~ Indiana   Next up is publication: Cover art, conversion to eBook format, uploading to Amazon, and ultimately a printed version. I visited the library here in my hometown. Next to the new DVDs, they now have a "Local Authors" area. Two of the books on the shelves are by women I currently work with. I will see my book up there someday, too. Until then, I work diligently at the tiresome, daunting task of finding a reputable publisher. Wish me luck!
Saving Toby… Location, location, location… 20 Year-old Claudia POV: After the divorce, my mother had followed a job to California, and my Dad and I had become a team. We'd weathered three years without her, still in the house I’d grown up in, in the small town of Sayville, about a half-mile from the Great South Bay on the south shore of Long Island. Lands End parking lot on the Great South Bay, Sayville, NY The corner of Roosevelt Avenue and Easy Street, Sayville          “Remember the Fayes? On Roosevelt Avenue?” Without pause, my father said, “You are not working for Al Faye.” I rolled my eyes. “Dad, the man’s dead. And Mrs. Faye is very sick.” “Well, that’s a shame.” Dad pointed. “Set the table. If I remember correctly, there were two boys. One’s a convicted felon. Where’s the other one?” “Toby is still there.” I went to the cabinet and took out dishes. “What’s his story? He’s...
An inspirational quote courtesy of Joel Osteen (somewhat reworked in my own words) : When someone we love tells us they're proud of us, something comes alive on the inside.  He/she may be doing a hundred things wrong, things you don't like, but find three that you do, and pour the honor in. Let your words be a blessing and watch them rise higher.

Chapter 1 - Main characters meet

“There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.”                                                           ―  Jim Henson POV: 20 year-old Claudia Chiametti “You remember Toby, don’t you?” Mrs. Faye asked. “Of course.” I replied, quickly doing the math in my head. Four years of high school and two of college. “It’s been at least six years, though. I’m sure I wouldn’t even recognize him if I saw him.” I tried to move back to my seat without breaking our eye contact. Out of the corner of my eye I became aware of motion, but too late to stop myself, I bumped into a solid wall of body. “Oh!” I gasped, surprised as I hit a warm, immoveable mass with my shoulder and bounced off. A pair of hands caught me around the waist and kept me from tumbling over. The collision brought me eye-level with the angu...

Story Summary

For the last few years, I have been working steadily towards making my dream come true - to become a published author. My very first completed fictional novel, a literary love story, will soon be published and available for your reading pleasure. Check back for updates! Saving Toby Story summary:  Loving someone through their hard fall from grace takes a lot of grit. When pious widow, Julia Faye is re-diagnosed with Lymphoma, ambitious, 20 year-old Claudia Chiametti is hired to assist her around the house through her convalescence. But in their small Long Island town, the Faye family is known for its tragic history. Due to her care-taking role with his mother, Claudia is inevitably forced into close proximity with Mrs. Faye’s youngest son, Toby. With rumors of fights, drugs and shady friends, Claudia is surprised to find that underneath a head-turning handsome face is a guy who is amusing and rather sweet.  21 year-old Toby Faye returns home with a sense of o...