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Showing posts from January, 2014

Five Star Hot?

Sexy bad boy, Toby Faye, 5 star hot? Nowadays it is so easy to get free or inexpensive ebooks, it's almost insane. I currently get emails from BookBub and SweetFreeBooks... Daily emails, each one offering anywhere from two to six free or low cost books. And these are just two of many ebook sites. Like a food buffet, I was excited about the many choices available, and at first, downloaded anything that sounded interesting. But in grabbing these literary bargains, I found for the most part that as I continued to accumulate title after title, I lost track of what I had. And like those overloaded  restuarant  buffet plates that often go uneaten, my Kindle is loaded with books that remain unread. In trying to put myself on a download diet, and consume more mindfully, I now  check titles on in search of decent reviews and ratings before I download new books. Oftentimes, however, my  opinions  don't align with the ratings given by readers...

A Writer's Love Story

For your entertainment, I present a  fictional  short story, a contrived version of my writing process during my first novel. Loosely formatted, not professionally edited (please excuse any typos!)  A Writer's Love Story   Part I A disgruntled sigh breaks into my sleep. I open one heavy eyelid, then the other. Sitting up, I yank my blanket to my chin as if they will offer me an iota of protection against the guy sitting at the foot of my bed. But the stranger didn't appear to be menacing. Or all that interested in me. Leaning forward, he interlocks his fingers and seemingly contemplates the complexity of his hands. 
 I take his rumination as a chance to get a good look at him. He is young—in his early twenties—thin, but well built, with broad muscular shoulders. His tawny colored hair is on the longish side and curls around his ears and midway down the back of his neck. He is dressed casually in a T-shirt and faded blue jeans. The jeans hug his hips and su...