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Showing posts from 2016

How many people will smile today because of you?

photo courtesy of A challenge In our busy, fast-paced world, I'd like to offer you this challenge: Make a conscious effort to make the people you come across during your day smile.  My husband is a natural smile-maker, and a champion of making people feel good about themselves. He has a smile, a greeting, and kind words for everyone he meets during his day — the clerk at the deli, the men and women he sees briefly, who sign work orders — and he's liable to break into song and dance at any given time, around perfect strangers. Because of this, many, many people enjoy his company. I find the more I smile, the more uplifted and positive I feel at the end of the day. It's such a good feeling, I wish everyone could experience it. The truth is, a smile is such a simple, easy thing to share. In case you need a few suggestions, try these: Smile and say good morning , hello , or have a great day! Not only hold the door for someone, but step back an...

When a special pet dies: A Eulogy for Scout

I pause, mop and bucket of soapy water in hand, to look one last time at the tiny clay paw prints that crisscross my wood floors. I hesitate to wash them away and consider taking a photograph as a keepsake—the last evidence that he was here, but my logical, sensible side argues, "It was just a cat." I take a few breaths, attempting to keep the tears at bay. You see, I believe, a pet is a just pet... at least in theory, and until you throw a sweet, one-eye orange tabby kitten into the picture. Scout was an abandoned kitten, rescued and taken care of by the wonderful local feral cat organization,  PAWS of Sayville . He was sickly when he and his littermates were found, and as a result, lost his left eye. On adoption day, unlike the other mewing kittens who clung to us with their razor sharp claws, when the PAWS volunteer placed that slinky yellow kitten in my 14-year old daughter's arms, he was placid and content to be held, and even started to purr. We hadn'...

Marriage is NOT beautiful

I can't take the credit for this, but the words are so true I had to share.

Author Fair

On Saturday April 9, I'll be taking part in the South Huntington Library Local Author Fair. Stop by and say hello. Authors will be chatting with readers and signing books from 1-4 p.m. Who knows, maybe you'll find your next favorite book!

What I'm Reading

YOU by Caroline Kepnes Bookstore clerk Joe Goldberg is in love, but the object of his passion, Guinevere Beck (Beck to her friends) has no idea how obsessed with her he really is … Throughout the story, Joe refers to Beck as You , as if he’s speaking directly to her, though actual conversation between them happens infrequently at best. Joe is smart, well-read and likable, but he's also a delusional psychopath with a superiority complex. The entire story takes place inside his head, and we get to see the inner workings of his obsession. Sometimes, his obsession doesn’t seem so crazy. Sometimes Joe seems like a sweet, deserving guy who only hungers desperately for that special someone in his life. Beck is a sloppy, penniless, self-centered, grad student living alone in New York City. She has a sexual addiction and daddy issues. Joe knows all this because he follows her around, spies on her in her apartment from across the street, and steals things from her. He hacks ...

Goals and resolutions time

Goals and resolutions time for this shiny 2016 New Year.  Today I tackled a long dreaded task—cleaning out my clothes closet. On I found this helpful advice: As you scrutinize each piece [item in your closet], ask yourself the 7 following questions: Does it fit? Have I worn it this past year? Will I actually wear it again? Is it in style, and/or does this still represent my style? Is it damaged in any way (ex: stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, fading, etc.)? If so, will I make the effort to get it repaired? If I saw it in the store today, would I buy it? And most importantly: Do I feel confident when I wear it? If you answer a firm "no" to any of the above, it’s time to say sayonara and decide whether to sell, donate, swap, or toss the item. I mulled over these tips as I went through my things, and I realized I have a lot of basically unwanted, and likely never-to-be-worn clothes clogging up my closet space. I also have several ne...