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Showing posts from January, 2017

Keeping Claudia Update

Get your tissues ready I found myself crying as I finished re-reading my edit copy of Keeping Claudia. These characters have come to mean so much to me, they're like family. It looks like release will be… (fingers crossed) sometime in April. I really hope you guys will love this story as much as I do. Your Song  sung by Lee Mead (originally by Elton John) was a strong inspiration during the writing. A little fun with

Winter's Respite Readathon: The Picks

Readathon Picks Here's my list of possible suspects for the next 2-weeks: 1st Up  was War of the Heart  (A Snow Globe Christmas) by Jenna Victoria. Finished it and reviewed in earlier post. Visit post here . 2nd Up is Grey by E.L. James. The subject and genre is a complete departure from the last book I read, War of the Heart , but it does have a Christian in it! I've been curious about this one for some time and decided it was time to see if the story could hold up to the success of the previous ones. So far, I'm not impressed… 3rd Up is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I know what you're thinking: What's taken you so long to get around to this one, Suzanne? Everyone has read this already, eons ago! And that is exactly why it's on my list, thank you very much. 4th Up is And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. This one's been sitting around my house gathering dust, watching other books come and go. While I thoroughly ...

A Winter's Respite Readathon 2017

Winter is the perfect time for readathon! If you're like me, you probably have a huge TBR that needs taming. Michelle over at Seasons of Reading is hosting this readathon, Jan. 16-29.  It's 2 weeks long, but don't stress, you can read as much or as little as you like. You don't even have to participate the whole 14 days!  Best of all, it's free and you can win prizes ! Care to join me? To check it out and sign up, head on over to Seasons of Reading: You can also check out #WintersRespite on Facebook . Guidelines are here: UPDATE 1/17 I guess I should make a reading list, because everyone knows to be successful at anything, one really needs to set goals (or at the very least, have a plan!) Last night, I finished my first book, "War of the Heart" by new author Jenna Victoria. The...